
a minimalist's unit testing framework

This project is maintained by seancorfield and jaycfields


adding signal, removing noise

Evaluating Tests Within a Context

expectations version 1.4.36 and higher allows you to alter the context in which your tests run by creating a function that takes the "run the tests" function as an arg, and do you as wish.

Too abstract, no problem, the code:

That's it, if you add the previous function to your tests, you can define whatever you like in the in-context function, and your tests will be run in your custom context. The previous snippet is pulled from the expectations tests, which verify that success.success-examples-src/a-fn-to-be-rebound is correctly rebound. In the expectations tests an expectations_options.clj namespace is used to define in-context (expectations_options.clj explained here).

Why would you want to define your own context? In the past I've used in-context for two reasons: rebinding things I don't care about (e.g. calls to logging) to (constantly true), and rebinding things I never want called (e.g. create a new thread) to #(throw (RuntimeException. "not allowed in tests")).